Unidentified Flying Object : UFO is an aerial phenomenon that witnesses claim to have...

  • Fondation des Hôpitaux - Pièces Jaunes
there is soon 8 years, thursday 29 june 2017 (2017/06/29 18:08)
O.Romain.Jaillet-ramey has shared the video

Ils ont vu des OVNI | Archive INA

of this section.. Ils ont vu des OVNI | Archive INA Une compilation de témoignages sur les OVNI.
at dawn of the site, wednesday 14 april 2010 (2010/04/14 18:24)
O.Romain.Jaillet-ramey has shared the video

Ancient Astronaut Theory | National Geographic

of this section.. Ancient Astronaut Theory | National Geographic Is it possible that extraterrestrial beings visited our ancient ancestors?

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