Hip-hop is a musical genre characterized by a rhythm accompanied by its musical expre...

50 Cent
Kery James - Mouhammad Alix [Clip Officiel]


Brought up in a family of musicians, Akon spent his early childhood in Senegal before leaving at the age of seven to live in the USA in Union City, New Jersey. A Grammy-nominated, multi-platinum selling artist, producer, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, Akon is one of the world most influential voices in music today. In addition to having two multi-platinum albums, Akon has had 27 songs on the Billboard Hot 100 and is the first artist to accomplish the feat of holding both the number one and two spots simultaneously on the Billboard Hot 100 charts twice.

Akon is an established bona-fide global superstar. The American born Senegalese artist has sold over 35 Million albums worldwide, received 5 Grammy Nominations and collaborated with an array of A-list artists from many genres including Lady GaGa, Eminem, Gwen Stefani, Daddy Yankee, Lil’ Wayne, Michael Jackson, Snoop Dogg and many more.

Channel YouTube

Subscribers : 14300000
Videos Count : 62
  • Creation : Saturdy 05 november 2005
  • Publish : Thursday 18 april 2024


Keywords :

music música موسيقى музика 音樂 音乐

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